Personal Information

    Are you a U.S. citizen?
    Are you authorized to work in the U.S.?
    Have you served in the U.S. military?








    Add any and all high schools, colleges, and trade schools you have attended.
    + Add School


    Add any past work experience.
    + Add Employer


    DO NOT list friends or relatives. Add your professional references.
    + Add Reference
    How did you find this position?
    Applicant is available to work:
    Select your MONDAY availability
    Select your TUESDAY availability
    Select your WEDNESDAY availability
    Select your THURSDAY availability
    Select your FRIDAY availability
    Select your SATURDAY availability
    Select your SUNDAY availability
    Tell us about any jobs/obligations/schooling/sports you have to work around.
    Were you previously employed by us?
    Can you perform the primary functions of this job with or without reasonable accommodations?
    DO NOT fill out if you're applying for the social media role. Tell us about your experience operating a cash register, customer service counter, inventory system, etc.
    What brands & styles of clothing do you like?
    DO NOT fill out if you're applying for the social media role.
    Put your email below so we can keep an eye out for it! Your application will not be viewed until we receive photo/graphic samples!


    All information written on this application is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any misrepresentation of facts in this application disqualifies me from further consideration - or if employed - is grounds for dismissal. I understand that any employment offer is contingent upon satisfactory references and I authorize PLATO'S CLOSET to investigate past employment and education history, as well as references given on application.

    I understand that if employed such employment may be terminated for just cause, or no cause, by PLATO'S CLOSET or myself at any time. I also understand and agree that the terms and conditions of my employment may be changed, with or without cause, and with or without notice, at any time by the company. I understand that no company representative, other than an Owner, and then only when in writing and signed by the Owner, has any authority to enter into any agreement for employment for any specific period of time, or to make any agreement contrary to the foregoing.

    I fully understand and agree to all statements above.

    Digital Signature